Welcome to the Greater Renton-Tukwila Youth Soccer Association Small-Sided and Southlake Select and Recreational registration site.

To start the registration process click on the Registration link above.


Tutorial Videos

Southlake Select Tryout Registration - https://youtu.be/tDMBPvFCf9M



Q. How do I add my child to my account? It says they already exist.

A. You will need to merge your account with the already existing account for your child. In order to complete the process please contact the Affinity Sports support team. Information can be found by clicking on the Technical Support Contact link to the left.


Q. How do I get past the payment screen for Try Out registration? It says there is no payment due.

A. For try out registration, to get past the payment screen please click on the green button labeled No Payment Due, Continue at the bottom on the section. (Not the grey button labeled Continue). An example can be found here: https://youtu.be/tDMBPvFCf9M?t=391


Q. I clicked the No Payment Due, Continue button but I'm still stuck on the same screen and that button is now missing. How do I finish the registration?

A. This problem appears to occur in the Microsoft Edge web browser. When on our page prior to logging in, click on the Menu (...) button in the upper right of the Microsoft Edge browser then click on Open in Internet Explorer. You should then be able to complete the registration normally in Internet Explorer. Another option is to try completing the process in another browser such as Chrome or Firefox.


More FAQs will be added in the future.


If you need assistance with the registration process for GRTYSA or Southlake please feel free to contact me.


Abby Ruelas
GRTYSA / Southlake


Volunteer RMA Instructions

Minor RMA Instructions

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